Blonde Crazy is a classic comedy crime movie from 1931. It follows a hotel bellhop named Bert Harris who gets caught up in a web of deceit, romance, and crime. Bert falls for a beautiful chambermaid named Anne, and together they become involved with a pair of con artists. They embark on a series of adventures and escapades, including embezzlement, scrapbooking, and a daring robbery. With twists and turns at every corner, Blonde Crazy is a thrilling and entertaining movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Set in New York City, flapper Pink Watson works a telephone operator at a cement factory who dreams of marrying rich. Her constant daydreaming of wealth annoys her fellow workers, and ruins the heart of one of her worshiping colleagues.
The brash, opinionated owner of a nightclub manages to drive everybody crazy on a boat trip to Havana.
Teenager Henry Aldrich becomes a hometown celebrity when he wins a date with a sexy movie star. The sixth entry in the "Henry Aldrich" series of eleven films.
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