Invasion is a thrilling sci-fi movie set in a dystopian future where aliens have invaded Earth. The film follows a group of survivors as they navigate the challenges of living in a world dominated by extraterrestrial beings. Through their journey, they grapple with themes of survival, compassion, and the complexities of human-alien relationships.
Attraction is a sci-fi movie that takes place in Moscow, where an alien spaceship crash-lands, causing chaos and panic among the city's residents. As the authorities try to contain the situation, a teenage girl finds herself drawn to one of the humanoid aliens, leading to a unique relationship that challenges societal norms. Amidst the destruction and fear, compassion and love emerge as key themes in the face of an otherworldly threat.
Chronicle of a Summer is a documentary film that follows the lives of various individuals in France during the summer of 1960. It explores themes of society, working-class struggles, loneliness, and the pursuit of happiness.
Insatiable Coeds is a compilation video. You get some very nice moments from Landon Hall, Brandy Davis, Gabriella Hall and the very striking Tammy Parks. Scenes of each of these wonderful softcore starlets are broken up by a handful of other excellent players like Ashley Rhey, Kristen Knittle, Petra Sexton, Mellara Gold, Michelle Trongone and Dana Plato.
The deserted beach is the ideal setting for a couple of artist friends seeking to find a state of metaphysical contemplation. They want to deal with the anxieties of contemporary life and reflect on the process of self-knowledge, motivated by the fact that one of them is celebrating a birthday.
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