My Scientology Movie is a documentary that delves into the secretive and controversial religion of Scientology. Through investigative journalism and reenactments, the film explores the manipulation, mind control, and corruption within the religion. It follows the journey of the filmmaker as he auditions actors to play the role of Scientology leader David Miscavige and experiences unusual methods of training. Along the way, he deals with the challenges of being followed and filmed, shedding light on the sinister practices of the religion.
Karate Girl is an action movie about a teenage girl who witnesses her father's murder and seeks revenge. Trained in karate, she uses her skills to take on the mobsters responsible for her father's death. Along the way, she encounters challenges, fights opponents, and discovers the true power of girl warrior. This movie combines stylized violence with a powerful message of empowerment and justice.
A documentary that chronicles the story of a group of local residents in Aberdeenshire, Scotland who confront and resist the construction of a golf course by real estate developer Donald Trump. The film explores themes of property disputes, ecological concerns, abuse of power, and social injustice.
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