Topper Returns is a hilarious comedy, fantasy, mystery, and romance film from 1941. The story revolves around a murder investigation, with plenty of twists and turns along the way. Topper, a fun-loving ghost, finds himself caught up in a web of intrigue as he tries to solve the baffling crime. With its witty dialogue, clever farce, and unforgettable characters, Topper Returns is a delightful film that will keep you guessing until the very end.
Made in Paris is a romantic comedy about a young woman from America who finds herself working in the glamorous world of high fashion in Paris. As she navigates her new job, she also navigates the ups and downs of young love and romantic rivalry. With mistaken identities, mix-ups, and a little bit of chaos, this film is a light-hearted and entertaining look at the fashion industry and the pursuit of love in the city of romance.
The king is a juvenile dolt who tries the patience of the shrewish queen. While she's in the throne room awaiting him, he's outside playing with guns, drilling his soldiers, and dallying with the wife of a new minister. The queen catches him kissing her, her husband figures out that something fishy is going on, and the king tries his best to proceed with his plans for a night out. The queen contrives to keep him cuffed in the bedroom: king, queen, minister, and coquette end up in a game of musical beds. Will his royal highness get his night out?
La Marquise de Pompadour desires the best tenor in France for her opera company, and after an extensive search in the provinces, Chapelou is selected and forced to leave his bride-of-an-hour to go to Paris. Alfer seeing the handsome tenor, the Marquise decides not to let his bride, Madeliane, join him in Paris. Graf de Latour, banished from the court for his bawdy song about La Pompadour, goes to the town where Chapelou has left his bride and sees an opportunity to get even. He takes Madeleine in hand and after exhaustive grooming and make-over he returns to court with her as his banishment has been lifted, and Chepelou, failing to recognize hie own wife, falls in love with her.
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