Hirayama, a janitor in Tokyo, leads a simple life working as a toilet cleaner. He finds solace in his passion for music, books, and photography, often taking pictures of trees. As his story unfolds through unexpected encounters, we discover more about his past.
We delve into an encounter between Erradi ( an old man nearing the end of his life) and Aymane (a young boy eager to learn about life), in the presence of a woman (Rahma) taking the form of DEATH. Which ends with a series of poignant flashbacks that portray the old man's journey through life, filled with joy and sorrows and lessons learned. The short film explores the cyclical nature of life capturing the essence of reincarnation and the idea that our stories continue on living despite death
The hero of the film, Wallace, is trying to reconcile the dream of a world of beautiful souls and human relationships with the reality of a prosperous bourgeois.
85-year-old Margers stores his life's work in banana boxes - VHS tapes and DVDs that fill an entire room. However, as his eyesight rapidly deteriorates, it becomes unclear what fate awaits this unique cultural and historical material, which he has continuously documented over the years.
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