In this live-action adaptation of the classic fairy tale, Belle, a bright and independent young woman, is taken prisoner by a beast in his castle. Despite her initial fears, she befriends the castle's enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the beast's exterior to recognize the kind heart within. As the two grow closer, an unexpected romance blooms, challenging societal norms and teaching the importance of inner beauty.
David, the king of Israel, falls in love with Bathsheba, the wife of one of his soldiers. They begin an affair which leads to tragedy and consequences for both of them.
The Model and the Marriage Broker is a charming comedy romance about a model who seeks the help of a marriage broker to find her perfect match. Along the way, she navigates through various comedic situations and discovers the true meaning of love.
Once again, Lady Ninja Kasumi is a candidate for a dangerous mission that will use all of her abilities as both a kunoichi and a woman. Her clan elder approaches a specific former member of their group, Sakichi, for his aid in the matter. Unfortunately, due to a tragedy and a lost love, he is unwilling to lend his help to the Sanada ninja, and Kasumi volunteers to handle the matter. Ultimately, she is captured and it is up to Sakichi to help her get to safety... but not before she settles the score with a rival lady ninja.
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