The Promising Boy is a satirical comedy that follows the journey of a young man who rebels against societal norms and explores his own identity. Set in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, the film explores themes of nonconformity, promiscuity, and the power of rock music. Through a series of comedic and thought-provoking events, the protagonist embarks on a path of self-discovery and challenges the upper-class establishment.
A young woman’s husband is mysteriously taken away from her at dawn. She tries to mourn by remembering him through objects and imitation but this leads to a destructive discovery of her desires towards the mysterious entities that took her husband away. She finds herself in a realistic limbo of unexpected desires.
Max is busy with his pretty new secretary and puts Koko and Bimbo on automatic for the day -- he sets a pantograph to draw a world run by slot machines like mechanical banks. However, is the creator in control of his creation, or is it the other way around?
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