On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
Virgin Territory is a sex comedy that takes place in 14th-century Tuscany during the devastating Black Death. The story follows a group of young people who face various romantic and sexual adventures amidst the chaos of the plague. With manipulative nuns, marriage proposals, and a touch of romance, Virgin Territory provides a humorous and lighthearted take on a dark period in history.
After a mission goes wrong, Ethan Hunt and his IMF team must track down stolen plutonium cores and prevent a series of catastrophic attacks. With the help of familiar allies and new faces, they embark on a dangerous mission that takes them from Berlin to Paris and ultimately to Kashmir. Along the way, they face intense action sequences, betrayals, and a race against time to save the world from destruction.
In 1902, British aristocrat Orlando (Ralph Fiennes) (Arthur), Duke of Oxford, his wife Emily (Alexandra Maria Lara), and their young son Conrad (Harris Dickinson) visit a concentration camp (led by General Kitchener and his deputy Captain Maximilian "Max" Morton) in South Africa during the Second Boer War while working for the Red Cross. Emily is mortally wounded during a Boer sniper attack on the camp. Before she dies, Emily makes Orlando promise never to let their son see war again. Twelve years later, Orlando has formed a private spy network consisting of domestic servants employed by the world's most powerful dignitaries and has recruited his own servants Shola (Djimon Hounsou) (Merlin) and Polly (Gemma Arterton) (Gallahad) into it. The network's primary objective is to protect the United Kingdom and the British Empire from the approaching Great War....
SpongeBob and his friends must leave Bikini Bottom and venture onto dry land to retrieve the stolen Krabby Patty secret formula from the diabolical pirate Burger Beard. Along the way, they become superheroes and face off against a giant dinosaur, all to save their beloved underwater home.
The Little Mermaid is a TV show about a young mermaid named Ariel who dreams of exploring the human world. She strikes a deal with the sea witch Ursula to become human for three days, but things don't go as planned. With the help of her friends, including the crab Sebastian, Ariel must navigate the challenges of both the underwater and human worlds.
After being released from a juvenile detention center, Wellington finds himself alone and adrift on the streets of São Paulo, without any contact from his parents and lacking the resources to rebuild his life. During a visit to a porn theater, he encounters Ronaldo, a mature man, who teaches him new ways of surviving. Gradually, their relationship turns into a conflicting passion, oscillating between exploitation and protection, jealousy and complicity.
During the WWII, acclaimed Polish musician Wladyslaw faces various struggles as he loses contact with his family. As the situation worsens, he hides in the ruins of Warsaw in order to survive. The movie tells the story of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a pianist living in Warsaw during World War II. As the war breaks out, the situation for the Jewish population in Warsaw becomes increasingly bleak. Wladyslaw, along with his family, is forced to move to the Jewish ghetto and endure harsh living conditions. Despite the hardships, Wladyslaw manages to find work as a pianist in the ghetto, which allows him to continue playing music and bring some solace to those around him. However, as the war progresses, the situation becomes more dangerous and Wladyslaw must go into hiding to avoid capture. He spends months living in various hiding places, relying on the help of others to survive. Ultimately, he is discovered by a Nazi officer who recognizes his talent as a pianist and helps him evade capture. Wladyslaw survives the war, but many of his family members do not. The movie ends with Wladyslaw triumphantly playing the piano in a concert, a symbol of his resilience and survival.
Mr. Church recruits the Expendables to retrieve a mysterious item from the former Soviet Union. When their mission goes wrong and one of their team members is murdered, they embark on a quest for vengeance that takes them deep into enemy territory.
In 'The Joy of Painting,' Bob Ross invites viewers to join him as he creates beautiful landscapes using oil painting techniques. With his soothing voice and encouragement, he teaches the audience how to paint stunning scenes filled with mountains, trees, and rivers. This beloved cult TV show is a true masterpiece in instructional art.
Baccano! is an anime series set in the 1930s America, where various characters, including immortals, criminals, and psychopaths, collide in a chaotic and non-linear storyline. The show follows multiple interconnected storylines, jumping between different time periods and locations, revealing the mysteries surrounding immortality and the elixir of life.
Set in an alternative present, B: The Beginning follows the story of a retired detective who is drawn back into the world of crime-solving as a new serial killer emerges. With supernatural elements and a dark past, the detective must navigate a secret organization and unravel a conspiracy. The show is filled with intense action, thrilling chases, and complex characters.
Robbed of his birthright, Arthur comes up the hard way in the back alleys of the city. But once he pulls the sword from the stone, he is forced to acknowledge his true legacy - whether he likes it or not. Mordred, an iron fist warlock, and his armies lay siege to Camelot, seeking to establish the dominance of magic-wielding Mages over humankind...
In the satirical comedy film 'The Dictator,' a dictator named Aladeen risks his life to prevent democracy from reaching his beloved country. However, when he is betrayed by his uncle and replaced with a double, Aladeen finds himself stripped of his identity and forced to navigate the streets of New York City. With the help of a kind-hearted store owner named Zoey, Aladeen must reclaim his position and prevent his country from transitioning to democracy. Along the way, he learns about democracy, love, and the true meaning of leadership.
In a spoof of 300, King Leonidas of Sparta and his army of 12 warriors go to war against Xerxes of Persia. They fight to the death to defend Sparta's freedom and face various challenges along the way. The plot is filled with comedy, fantasy, and war elements.
Ben Stone, a laid-back party animal, unexpectedly becomes a father when his one-night stand, Alison, shows up on his doorstep eight weeks later pregnant with his child. As they try to make their relationship work, they face doubts, infidelity, and the pressures of impending parenthood. Can they overcome these obstacles and settle down happily?
In Mile 22, a top-secret CIA task force, led by intelligence officer James Silva, is tasked with retrieving and protecting a valuable asset known as 'Li Noor'. As they race against time, the team must navigate through various obstacles and face betrayal, terrorism, and a deadly mission in order to accomplish their objective. Will they succeed or will the bad guys win?
King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table embark on a surreal, low-budget search for the Holy Grail, encountering many, very silly obstacles. They encounter a French taunter, a witch trial, a three-headed giant, and a castle of robe-clad teens who try to distract them from their quest. Despite the absurdity, they persist in their search.
In a futuristic world, humans interact through surrogate robots. When murders occur, a cop leaves his home for the first time in years to investigate. As he delves deeper, he discovers a group opposed to the surrogate lifestyle and uncovers a dangerous weapon. With the surrogates shut down worldwide, humans are left to reconnect with their real bodies.
Duck Dynasty is a reality TV show that follows the lives of the Robertson family as they run their family-operated business, Duck Commander. The show showcases their redneck lifestyle, family relationships, and the challenges they face. With their long beards and love for duck hunting, the Robertsons became wealthy and gained fame through their successful business.