Looney Tunes Cartoons is a revival of the iconic animated series featuring beloved characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig. The show brings back the classic slapstick comedy, surrealism, and anthropomorphism that made the original series so popular. Filled with hilarious and unpredictable adventures, this web series is a must-watch for fans of the Looney Tunes franchise.
In this Looney Tunes Christmas movie, Daffy Duck, Foghorn Leghorn, and the rest of the gang have a change of heart after encountering the spirit of Christmas. In a snow-filled adventure, they travel back in time to meet the Ghost of Christmas Past and learn the true meaning of the holiday.
When the evil chairman of the Acme Corporation plans to use a diamond to take over the world, Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck enlist the help of a security guard and embark on a globe-trotting adventure to save humanity. With plenty of hilarious antics and iconic Looney Tunes characters, this movie is a thrilling and comedic ride.
Bugs Bunny finds himself being pursued by Beaky Buzzard, a hungry and clueless vulture, leading to a series of comedic chase scenes and mishaps.
Carrotblanca is a parody comedy movie set in a fictional war. It features the classic Looney Tunes characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Tweety Bird in a slapstick and surreal comedy adventure.
In an African jungle, hungry Beaky Buzzard can't wait until Leo the Lion is decently deceased before trying to devour him. Leo takes a rocket to the Moon to try to escape Beaky, but finds Beaky already there waiting for him.
In 'The Bashful Buzzard,' a timid buzzard named Beaky is tricked by a wise-cracking rooster into thinking he has killed a cartoon cow. As Beaky tries to hide the 'evidence,' he encounters various predicaments and embarrassments. Eventually, the rooster reveals the truth and Beaky gets his revenge. This animated short film explores themes of shyness, deception, and the power of self-confidence.
Foundling Beaky Buzzard is adopted by a couple of polite, English sparrows, named Monte and Gwendlyn. When Monte tries to teach lame-brained Beaky to catch a chicken, Beaky's ineptitude results in Monte being repeatedly struck with a mallet and caught in a grenade explosion.
Join Porky Pig and his Looney Tunes friends in their hilarious adventures filled with comedy and animation.
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