Still the Water is a coming-of-age drama that takes place on a Japanese island. The film explores themes of love, nature, and family, through the story of a teenage boy and girl who uncover secrets about their community and themselves.
In the summer of the 2010s, a Spanish woman working as a waitress in a beach restaurant experiences the disappearance of her teenage son. She goes on a desperate search for him, following clues and uncovering dark secrets in her journey.
Going Away (2013) tells the story of a neglected 11-year-old boy in France who embarks on a journey to find his family. Along the way, he encounters various challenges and faces his existential loneliness. The movie explores themes of family, identity, and starting a new life from scratch.
Desi (12) spends her days dreaming on the beaches of her hometown of becoming a famous singer but her goal is threatened by lies, the ever-presence of child prostitution, and the looming sinister betrayal from those who should protect her most.
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