In the TV-movie pilot of the iconic Baywatch series, a group of lifeguards in Los Angeles deal with various challenges and rescue missions on the beaches of Malibu. The story revolves around the team's efforts to keep the beach-goers safe and their personal lives intertwined with the dangers they face. With action, drama, and thrilling rescue operations, Baywatch showcases the lives of these dedicated lifeguards and their adventures along the picturesque coastline of California.
Snapshot is a 1979 drama thriller about a photographer who becomes increasingly obsessed with a young model he photographs. As the photographer's fixation grows, it sets off a chain of disturbing events, including stalking, murder, and a shocking ending. The plot explores themes of obsession, paranoia, and the dark side of the modeling industry.
Professional photographer Lauren travels to Miami to find the next hottest model for her shoot. She hooks up with her emotional Cuban limo driver Raul, but then her cheating sleazy husband Stephen shows up as well as hot Marissa.
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