Big Wednesday is a poignant coming-of-age film that follows the lives of three friends who are passionate about surfing in 1960s California. It showcases their journey through the Vietnam War era, friendship, and the challenges they face as they navigate the changing times.
Dudu is a shy boy who, in his senior year of high school, is still a virgin. This situation makes him the constant target of jokes from his inseparable friends. One day, at the end of the school year, he is invited by the gorgeous Professor Deborah to take extra lessons at her house. The situation soon causes Dudu and his friends to believe that she is flirting on the boy, who cares more than never about his sexual inexperience.
A traumatic injury and disability, the filmmaker is also the subject, trying to find his way out of a coma like state. Searching for answers, he begins to interview strangers also experiencing extreme life circumstances.
AA tennis bum (Tony Franciosa) and his Malibu Beach buddies hang out with a TV actress (Jacqueline Bisset) headed for trouble.
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