In the TV-movie pilot of the iconic Baywatch series, a group of lifeguards in Los Angeles deal with various challenges and rescue missions on the beaches of Malibu. The story revolves around the team's efforts to keep the beach-goers safe and their personal lives intertwined with the dangers they face. With action, drama, and thrilling rescue operations, Baywatch showcases the lives of these dedicated lifeguards and their adventures along the picturesque coastline of California.
Wurst is a heartwarming animated short film that follows the journey of a talking sausage named Wurst. He embarks on a fun-filled adventure on the beach, encountering various obstacles and making new friends along the way. The film beautifully portrays the importance of friendship and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. With stunning animation and a delightful story, Wurst is a must-watch for animation enthusiasts of all ages.
Wrightsville Beach Ocean Rescue is an elite team led by veteran lifeguards and responsible for protecting miles of beach in North Carolina. Follow six candidates as they push their physical and mental limits for a chance to make the squad.
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