In Big Hero 6 The Series, Hiro Hamada, a 14-year-old boy genius, continues his adventures as the leader of the superhero team alongside Baymax, his lovable healthcare companion. They face new challenges in the futuristic city of San Fransokyo, using their extraordinary skills and advanced technology to protect their city from various threats.
After the death of his brother, Hiro teams up with his friends and a lovable inflatable robot named Baymax to form a group of high-tech heroes. Together, they uncover a plot by an evil masked man and must stop him to save their city.
In the bustling city of Big Hero 6, the characters embark on thrilling escapades in their very own series. %s
On Disney's 100th anniversary, beloved Disney characters come together for a group photo to celebrate. Exciting interactions and gags occur as they prepare for the photo. Despite setbacks, the group manages to take the photo, ending with a heartfelt thank you to all who imagined, laughed, and dreamed with Disney.
Join the Simpson family as they celebrate their 700th episode with a series of hilarious and heartwarming stories. From a wild bar sequence to a singing arm-wrestling match, this movie is packed with memorable moments. Guest appearances by popular characters like Darth Vader, Buzz Lightyear, and Olaf the Snowman add to the fun.
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