In this animated Christmas special, the penguins from the Madagascar franchise embark on a mission to rescue a lost penguin and help him find his way back home before Christmas. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and must utilize their wit and teamwork to succeed. Filled with humor and holiday spirit, this short film is perfect for the whole family to enjoy.
In 'The Snowman', a young boy builds a snowman one winter's day. That night, the snowman comes to life and takes the boy on a magical adventure to the North Pole. The two of them explore the wonders of Christmas Eve, meeting Santa Claus, flying over the snowy landscapes, and experiencing the joy of the holiday season. This beloved holiday classic is a heartwarming tale of friendship and the magic of Christmas.
In 'I Love You,' a lonely woman becomes infatuated with a magical toy and starts to question her own sanity. As she falls deeper into this unconventional love affair, her life takes a bizarre turn. This art-house film explores themes of loneliness, obsession, and the boundaries of love.
A widowed single woman is struggling to keep her family business afloat. She finds a magic ornament that grants her wishes, but soon realizes that each wish comes at a price. With the help of her high school sweetheart, she must learn the true meaning of Christmas and make the right choices.
In this animated short film, a housefly named Barry decides to embark on a thrilling and surreal journey after falling in love with a human woman. As he explores the world beyond his ordinary life, Barry encounters various challenges and discovers the true meaning of love and friendship.
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