Balalayka follows the story of three brothers who embark on a journey from Batumi, Georgia to Istanbul, Turkey, transporting a dead body. Along the way, they encounter mafia, prejudice, and a limping woman whose last wish is to be reunited with her estranged niece. As they navigate the cross-cultural challenges, they also face their own personal demons, including alcoholism and the death of their father. This emotional and poignant film explores themes of love, sadness, and the complexities of human relationships.
Arsena got tired of being a farmer, decided to go to Batumi and start working on a ship. Arriving in Batumi, he encounters a film crew that urgently needs a rescuer. But Arsena can't adjust to the restless life of the film crew, he misses the village, and when this "experienced sailor" almost drowns at sea because he doesn't know how to swim, he has no choice but to return home.
Four friends wake up in their hotel at a seaside resort and find that everyone has disappeared.
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