Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! follows the story of an introverted college student named Shinichi Sakurai who prefers to be alone. However, his solitude is interrupted by Uzaki Hana, an eccentric and energetic girl who loves to socialize and hang out. Despite his initial reluctance, Shinichi gradually discovers the joys of friendship and the excitement of stepping outside his comfort zone.
After a chance meeting at a ballpark, the kind son of a former gangster tries to help an outgoing radio DJ get over her recent heartbreak.
Kumail, a Pakistan-born comedian, falls in love with Emily, a grad student. They struggle with cultural differences. When Emily becomes ill, Kumail must face her parents and his true feelings.
Where Hope Grows is a drama film that follows a former professional baseball player named Calvin Campbell. Calvin's life takes a turn when he meets Produce, a grocery store clerk with Down syndrome. Through their friendship, Calvin finds hope and redemption as he learns valuable life lessons and discovers the power of unconditional love.
Unfinished Business is a comedy-drama movie about a businessman named Dan Trunkman who travels to Europe with his team in order to close an important deal. Along the way, they face various challenges and obstacles that test their friendship and business skills. The movie explores themes of forced retirement, father-daughter relationships, and the ups and downs of the business world.
Akira's wife walks out on him, leaving him to confide in his gangster brother-in-law. Using only a cryptic note as a clue the two brothers go on a road trip to find his wife. After a series of violent encounters with strangers, Akira meets a prostitute. The pair start a relationship. After Akira finds his wife, he questions whether he still wants to be with her.
Mie’s father died during the aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. One day, she finds a bundle of unsent New Year’s cards, which languished there for 28 years. To find out why the cards were never sent, Mie tracks down Haruhiko Sakacho. Haruhiko played on the same high school baseball team with her father. Mie eventually gathers together her father's former teammates to play in the Masters Koshien (a senior league baseball tournament). Mie also uncovers a truth about her father and the baseball team.
Cold Weather follows a former forensic science major and aspiring detective who becomes embroiled in a mystery when his ex-girlfriend goes missing. Together with his sister and a friend, they must use their skills to crack the code and find her.
A workaholic architect in Seattle goes on a blind date only to discover that the man she meets is her husband, who arranged the surprise as part of their 15th wedding anniversary celebration. As they spend the day together, rediscovering their love for each other, they face various obstacles and surprises along the way, including a hurricane, a batting cage mishap, and a helicopter tour. In the end, they renew their wedding vows and end the day with a heartfelt kiss.
When Chris meets Lily they spark a mutual connection instantly, it's not until he finds out she is a CamGirl that things start to get complicated..
After suffering a career ending knee injury, pro-baseball superstar Jimmy Easton returns to a place he has not been in a very long time.... home. Here, Jimmy confronts dark memories from a tragic past as he tries to make peace with a life he once left behind. Things take an unexpected turn when he is forced back into the world of baseball as the coach of an underachieving college team.
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