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Movies and TvShows featuring "based-on-the-works-of-hg-wells" theme.

War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds(2005)


An alien invasion threatens the future of humanity. The catastrophic nightmare is depicted through the eyes of one American family fighting for survival. Ray Ferrier, estranged from his children, must protect them as giant Tripods invade and destroy cities, leaving chaos and devastation in their wake. Against all odds, Ray and his family navigate a dangerous and hostile world while desperately searching for a way to defeat the alien invaders.

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The Invisible Man
Tv Show

The Invisible Man (1960)


British scientist Peter Brady, while working on an invisibility formula, suffers a tragic accident which turns himself invisible. Unfortunately, there is no antidote, so, while working on a method to regain his visibility, he undertakes missions for his government stopping bad guys.

Gemini Man
Tv Show

Gemini Man (1976)


Sam Casey is an agent for INTERSECT, a government think-tank and operations center specializing in secret missions. While on a diving assignment, Sam was affected by the radiation from an underwater explosion. The radiation rendered him invisible, but INTERSECT devised a way to control his invisibility, by fitting him with a computerized watch that kept him visible. He could, however, shut it off, and become invisible again, for short periods of time. If he did this for more than 15 minutes in any 24 hour period he would die. This ability to become invisible made him a very effective agent.

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The Invisible Man
Tv Show

The Invisible Man (1976)


The Invisible Man is a TV show about a scientist who invents a way to become invisible. He uses this power to fight crime and protect the innocent, all while trying to keep his identity hidden.

Dead of Night

Dead of Night(1945)

The Shape of Things to Come

The Shape of Things to Come(1979)


In a post-apocalyptic future, a group of resistance fighters must save the world from a megalomaniac with the power to destroy it. Their journey takes them across different planets and encounters with robots, holograms, and teleportation. In their mission to overthrow the oppressive regime, they encounter unexpected twists and turns.

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The Invisible Man
Tv Show

The Invisible Man (1984)


A deranged scientist discovers a formula by which to make himself invisible, but is driven to insanity by his inability to reverse the formula and is evoked to use his invisibility to terrorize those around him.

Village of the Giants

Village of the Giants(1965)


In Village of the Giants, a group of rebellious teenagers take an experimental substance and accidentally grow into giants. Chaos ensues as they wreak havoc on their small town, causing destruction and mayhem. The local authorities and the residents must find a way to stop the giant teens before they cause even more damage.

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The Man Who Could Work Miracles

The Man Who Could Work Miracles(1936)


In The Man Who Could Work Miracles, a man named George Fotheringay discovers he has the ability to work miracles. He uses this power to change various aspects of the world such as stopping wars, preventing accidents, and even changing the past. However, he soon realizes that his actions have unintended consequences and struggles to deal with the responsibility that comes with his newfound ability. As he grapples with the implications of his power, George must also navigate his unrequited love for a woman named Ada and face attempts on his life by those who fear his abilities. Ultimately, George must decide how to responsibly use his power and bring about true world peace.

Riding with Death

Riding with Death(1976)


Riding with Death (1976) is a gripping action-packed TV movie adapted from the novel by H.G. Wells. It follows the thrilling story of a CB radio operator who becomes invisible and gains superhuman powers after being exposed to radiation from an explosion. With his newfound abilities, he teams up with a helicopter pilot to take on an evil scientist and his henchmen in a stock car race. Will they be able to stop the scientist's diabolical plans and save the day?

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Terror Is a Man

Terror Is a Man(1959)


In Terror Is a Man, a mad scientist conducts a dangerous experiment on a remote island. He creates a terrifying monster, leading to a rampage and chaos. The story revolves around a dysfunctional marriage, romantic rivalry, and the manipulative nature of the husband and wife. The plot also delves into themes of adultery, manipulation, and the consequences of unethical scientific experiments. The monster, created through a series of surgeries and experiments, develops a bond with a woman, resulting in a dangerous and thrilling climax.

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based on the works of h.g. wells

Discover a curated selection of movies and TV shows that are inspired by the brilliant works of H.G. Wells. Immerse yourself in captivating stories filled with science fiction, time travel, and thought-provoking themes. From iconic classics to modern adaptations, explore the vast legacy of H.G. Wells' imagination.

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