Taxi is a sitcom set in New York City during the 1970s and 1980s. The show revolves around a diverse group of friends who work together as taxi drivers. The series follows their humorous and sometimes chaotic adventures as they navigate the challenges of their profession and personal lives.
At the United States Navy's fighter weapons school, Maverick learns valuable lessons from a civilian instructor while competing to be the best pilot. He faces challenges, including a rivalry with Iceman and the death of his friend Goose. Despite his struggles, Maverick eventually regains his confidence and becomes a hero.
Tony Manero, a 19-year-old Italian-American man living in Brooklyn, finds release from his life's troubles through his passion for disco dancing. As he prepares for a dance contest, he navigates the challenges of racism, homophobia, and class differences in 1970s New York City.
A research chemist comes under personal and professional attack when he decides to appear in a 60 Minutes exposé on Big Tobacco. In Lebanon, Hezbollah militants escort producer Lowell Bergman (Pacino) to Hezbollah founder Sheikh Fadlallah, where Lowell convinces him to be interviewed by Mike Wallace (Plummer) for CBS show 60 Minutes. In Louisville, Kentucky, Jeffrey Wigand (Crowe) packs his belongings and leaves his Brown and Williamson office, returning home to his wife Liane (Venora) and two children, one of whom suffers from acute asthma...
Hustlers is inspired by the viral New York Magazine article and follows a group of savvy former strip club employees who come together to take revenge on their Wall Street clients. Destiny, a former stripper, joins forces with Ramona, her mentor and friend, to devise a scheme involving stealing credit card numbers from rich men. However, tensions arise as the operation becomes riskier and more dangerous. As the consequences of their actions catch up with them, Destiny is forced to confront her choices and make amends.
Jerry and Marge Selbee, a long-married couple, win the lottery and decide to use the money to revitalize their small town. Based on a true story, this heartwarming film showcases their journey as they bring hope and prosperity to their community.
A town Marshal, despite the disagreements of his newlywed bride and the townspeople, must face a gang of deadly killers alone at 'high noon' when the gang leader, an outlaw he 'sent up' years ago, arrives on the noon train.
Set in the 1930s, 'The Great Debaters' follows the journey of a debate team from a small African-American college challenging the racially segregated debate teams of larger and predominantly white universities. Inspired by the true story of Melvin B. Tolson and his Wiley College debate team, the film chronicles their struggle for recognition and equality in a divided society.
In a small Texas town, the Chicken Ranch brothel has been operating for years, gaining a reputation for cleanliness and a quiet, efficient manner. However, a crusading television reporter, with the help of a conservative watchdog group, wants to expose the brothel and close it down. The Governor of Texas is not one to be messed with and decides to make things difficult for the TV reporter by threatening to close down the college football program at the nearby university as well, and by demanding that her report be censored. The conflict escalates as the reporter digs deeper into the secrets of the brothel, leading to a clash of cultures and a secret relationship between the television reporter and the Madame of the brothel.
When Alex Miller let Jed Creek rent her room via Craigslist, she had no idea that he was a notorious serial squatter, and that he would use his knowledge of tenancy laws to slowly kick her out of her own home.
Trial by Fire tells the true story of Cameron Todd Willingham, a man who was convicted of setting a fire that killed his three daughters. Despite overwhelming evidence of his innocence, Willingham found himself on death row and fought to prove his case.
Flash of Genius is a movie based on the true story of Robert Kearns, a college professor and engineer who invented the intermittent windshield wiper. The film follows Kearns as he fights against the automobile industry, specifically Ford, for patent infringement and the recognition he deserves. It showcases Kearns' determination, his struggles with paranoia and mental breakdown, and his unwavering pursuit of justice and intellectual property rights. Flash of Genius is a motivational story of a genius inventor who takes on a powerful industry to protect his invention and restore his reputation.
Shattered Glass is a drama film based on the true story of Stephen Glass, a writer for The New Republic magazine who was discovered to have fabricated much of his work. The movie explores the scandal that unfolds as Glass's credibility is called into question and the impact it has on the world of journalism.
Urban Cowboy is a drama/romance movie set in Texas in the 1970s. The film follows a newlywed couple as they navigate the ups and downs of their tumultuous marriage. Set against the backdrop of the oil fields and honky-tonks of Houston, the movie explores themes of class differences, domestic violence, and the challenges of young love.
Our Friend is a movie about a close-knit group of friends who rally around a couple when the wife is diagnosed with terminal cancer. The movie explores the depth of friendship, love, and the challenges of facing a devastating illness together. It is based on a magazine article that recounts the true story of a husband and wife's journey through sickness and the unwavering support of their best friend.
Based on a true story, 'Bad Education' follows the superintendent of a Long Island school district as he embezzles millions of dollars and covers up his tracks, all while a student reporter uncovers the truth.
Georgetown is a biographical crime drama movie based on a true story. It follows the life of a con artist who manipulates and deceives his way to the top of the social ladder in Georgetown, Washington D.C. The plot revolves around scandalous events that lead to his downfall and the consequences he faces.
Spare Parts is a movie based on a true story about a group of Hispanic students who form a robotics club under the guidance of their teacher. They build a remotely-operated vehicle from scratch and compete in a prestigious national competition. Along the way, they face various challenges and overcome obstacles, showcasing their determination and self-belief. The movie highlights themes of teamwork, perseverance, and the power of education.
Learning to Drive is a comedy-drama movie about a middle-aged woman who forms an unlikely friendship with a Sikh driving instructor. As she tries to navigate her failing marriage and learns to drive, she discovers a new sense of freedom and independence. The movie explores themes of cultural differences, personal growth, and finding oneself.
Revenge of the Green Dragons is a crime drama film that follows two immigrant brothers, Sonny and Steven, who join a violent gang in New York's Chinatown. As they rise through the ranks, they become entangled in a life of crime, betrayal, and violence. The film explores themes of identity, loyalty, and the pursuit of the American dream.