An upbeat, action-filled drama that depicts the lives of two obnoxious high school students, Koji and Toru, who are caught in exciting and dangerous adventures involving their fellow students. Based on the best selling comic series, “Be-Bop High School” has gained popularity among the young audience, and become an icon of Japan’s pop culture in the 1980’s.
One day after school, Kaoru glances at Sonoko at the pool side. He falls in love with her at first sight and decides to join the swimming team even though he cannot swim.
A young man from Kyushu,Adachi Futoshi had come to Tokyo to make a life. Adachi moved into a small room in a local boarding house, but he was unprepared for what life will throw at him. The room next to him boards a local gangster whose gang is a menace to the neighborhood, a bit further down lives a boy who dresses like a woman. And the old people managing the boarding house are quite peculiar too. Based on the manga by Leiji Matsumoto.
Nozomi is a former actress who moves back to Japan from New Zealand. Upon arriving, she meets her fellow high school student neighbor Ryotaro Shiba, who decides to join the high school boxing club. Adapted from Toshio's Nobe manga, with the same title.
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