Depicts the final twelve hours in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, on the day of his crucifixion in Jerusalem. The film opens in Gethsemane in 'medias res as' in the dead of night some hours after the last supper. Jesus prays and is tempted by Satan, while his apostles, Peter, James, and John sleep. After receiving thirty pieces of silver from the highly feared Jewish priests of the Temple in Jerusalem, one of Jesus' other apostles, Judas Iscariot, tells them the location where his teacher is and the priests send a contingent of guards to arrest Jesus for heresy. In the woods outside Gethsemane, Judas approaches with the temple guards and betrays Jesus with a kiss on his cheek. As the guards move in to arrest Jesus, Peter intervenes and attacks them, cutting off the ear of Malchus, one of the guards, but Jesus tells Peter to stop with the violence and magically heals Malchus' ear...
Joseph, a young dreamer, is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. However, his gift of interpreting dreams helps him rise to power in Egypt, where he becomes a trusted advisor to the Pharaoh.
Noah, chosen by God, builds an ark to save his family and pairs of every species from a flood that will cleanse the world. Along the way, he faces opposition from Tubal-Cain and wrestles with his duty to humanity. With the help of fallen angels known as the Watchers, Noah completes the ark and witnesses the destruction of humanity. After the flood, Noah struggles with his own beliefs and the fate of his family, ultimately finding redemption and hope for a new beginning.
The Story of Ruth tells the tale of a young Moabite woman who chooses to follow the God of Israel and leaves her homeland to support her widowed mother-in-law. Through her loyalty and faith, Ruth becomes an important figure in the lineage of King David.
In this stop-motion animated Christmas special, a young drummer boy named Aaron goes on a journey to Bethlehem and discovers the true spirit of Christmas.
A sequel to The Passion of the Christ, focusing on the events that occurred in the three days between the crucifixion and resurrection, when Jesus Christ descended to Abraham's Bosom to preach and resurrect Old Testament saints.
In a world where humans coexist with anthropomorphic animals, Joshua, a guardian angel lion, embarks on a journey to lead his people to the Promised Land. Along the way, he faces challenges and encounters symbolism from the Old Testament, ultimately finding redemption and moral lessons.
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert is a live television special that aired on NBC in 2018. It is a concert performance of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar, telling the story of the final week of Jesus' life. The performance features a cast of talented actors and singers, with powerful musical numbers and stunning choreography. The show captures the essence of the original stage adaptation and brings it to life on the small screen.
The Emigrant tells the story of a eunuch who joins a religious sect in ancient Egypt. He embarks on a quest for knowledge and faces religious conflict, starvation, and a waterfall. Along the way, he encounters a princess, a commander-in-chief, and a secret cult. The movie explores themes of literacy, slavery, and the harsh realities of desert life in 14th-century BC Egypt.
Joseph is the youngest member of a large family that owns a successful garment business in Los Angeles. His father, Jacob, makes no attempt at hiding the fact that Joseph is his favorite son, resulting in the constant envy and resentment of his brothers. Eventually, in their bitterness, they plot revenge against this favored son. When Joseph accompanies his brothers on a trip to New York, they commit the ultimate betrayal, stranding him there, a virtual prisoner in a corrupt, modern-day sweat shop.
Lot in Sodom is a silent film from 1933 that explores the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah. It delves into surrealism and homoeroticism through its visuals and themes. The film has very little dialogue and uses striking imagery to convey its narrative.
In the years following Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples learn to practice His teachings. While working at the salt mine, James witnesses two fellow prisoners fighting to be number one. He remembers being with Jesus as He embraced the children and humbly kneeled to wash the disciples’ feet. Through this we learn that the way to greatness in His kingdom is not found in how many serve you, but in how many you serve.
A man ascends a barren summit. It is Judas, come to collect Jesus and carry him down the mountain on his back, joking and panting as he does so. After bathing in the river and taking part in a henna ceremony, Jesus leaves for Jerusalem. Judas is concerned for his friend’s safety, since the Roman occupiers look upon the prophet as an insurgent.
Amahl, a shepherd boy with partial deafness, encounters the three wise men on their way to visit baby Jesus. With the help of a mischievous parrot, Amahl experiences a miracle and follows the wise men to witness the epiphany.
Satan lets Jezebel return to earth to deliver the soul of a blonde virgin named Rachel by taking over her body. However, Jezebel gets more than she bargained for.
The story unfolds through the eyes of a criminal who receives the same brutal crucifixion sentence as Jesus Christ. This is a short film of regret, repentance and redemption.
Amahl, a young disabled boy, encounters the Three Wise Men on their journey to visit the baby Jesus. Through a series of miraculous events, Amahl learns the true meaning of Christmas and experiences a life-changing epiphany.
Amahl, a crippled boy with partial deafness, lives with his mother in a poverty-stricken village. One winter night, three wise men, following a star, visit their humble home and bring a miracle that changes their lives forever.
King Herod is enchanted by Salome's dance and grants her wish for the head of John the Baptist.
Those who recognize their own sins often rejoice that Jesus would want to help anyone so lost. Three such sinners come to Jesus in need of hope, healing and forgiveness. Weaving together many New Testament stories, this tale shows how Jesus generously extends His mercy to each sinner and lovingly brings the repentant back to the fold.