In the 1980s, amidst the tail end of British colonial rule in Hong Kong, the film explores the cut-throat machinations of the business elites. It follows the journey of Cheng Yiyan, the chairman of Jiali Group, a fictional Hong Kong company, as he navigates through 15 years of investigations by the Independent Commission Against Corruption. As murders are committed and billions in market value disappear, Cheng faces a series of challenges, including soaring litigation fees.
This is a story of rivalry and friendship between two young swimmers; a tale of natural talent versus hard work. Talented swimmer Chung is a transfer student. In his new class, 4C, he meets a swim relay team led by Wing. Despite being proficient in all four styles, Wing is frustrated at his team’s losing streak to Class 4A. At his first swimming gala, Chung plans to show off his skills. Unfortunately, he shows his imperfect starting dives and lack of stamina instead. The mistake he makes in his starting dive even causes his team to lose. After the defeat, he decides to quit the relay match. However, after observing Chung’s freestyle performance, Wing starts teaching him techniques in starting dives and racing. Wing aims to beat Class 4A with the same team members, including Chung.
Bruce Lee, My Brother is a biographical drama that chronicles the life of martial arts legend Bruce Lee. The film explores his journey as a martial artist and actor, his relationship with his family, and his impact on the world of martial arts. Through his determination and skill, Bruce Lee became an icon and paved the way for future generations of martial artists.
Personal Services is a British sex comedy based on the true story of Christine Painter, a notorious brothel madam whose brothel caters to all kinds of desires. The movie explores her relationships, including her complicated bond with her father and her encounters with undercover police. With its humorous take on sexual perversion and role-playing, Personal Services is an entertaining exploration of a taboo subject.
Born into a family of farmers in the mid-19th century, Karoline Augusta Antonsen moves to a nearby industrial city in her late teens, driven by the dream of building a large family and owning a big house. This short film follows her journey of hope, and her struggle to survive in a tough economy. Will she achieve her lifelong ambition or will her story end in tragedy?
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