Black Orpheus is a musical drama that follows the story of Orpheus, a trolley conductor and aspiring musician, who falls in love with Eurydice, a young woman from a favela. As their love blossoms, they face challenges from their jealous exes and the voodoo ceremonies happening around them. Tragedy strikes when Eurydice is accidentally electrocuted, leading Orpheus to descend into the underworld to bring her back to life. The film showcases the rich Brazilian culture, samba music, and the colorful celebration of Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.
After witnessing a premonition, a mechanic becomes entangled in a supernatural gathering. With a strong female lead, they uncover ancient secrets and face a nuclear explosion.
Sentinels of Silence is a 1971 short documentary film on ancient Mexican civilizations. The film was directed and written by Mexican filmmaker Robert Amram, and is notable for being the first and only short film to win two Academy Awards.
Has the famed Egyptian beauty, Queen Nefertiti, been found in a secret chamber deep in the Valley of the Kings? A Discovery Channel Quest expedition led by Dr. Joann Fletcher and a team of internationally renowned scientists from the University of York Mummy Research Team hopes to find out. If they find her, it will be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries since Nefertiti's stepson, King Tutankhamen, was discovered in 1922. The "Great Royal Wife" of the renegade Akhenaten, Nefertiti was a mother of six who helped lead a religious revolution that changed Egypt and the world forever. Yet after her death, her enemies destroyed all evidence of her life. Now, drawing on 13 years of research, Fletcher and her team bring Nefertiti's turbulent reign to life like never before with cutting-edge computer animations to recreate ancient Egypt's great temples, x-rays to reveal the telltale signs of foul play on her mummy, and forensic graphics to recreate the mummy's face.
After unearthing an ancient bas-relief sculpture of the gradiva or ‘woman who walks’ a young archaeologist begins to dream of the figure eluding him, while also pursuing a mysterious woman who eludes him in his waking life. Based on the novella by Wilhelm Jensen.
This Traveltalks entry visits the Golden Gate International Exposition. Sponsored by 11 western states of the United States and 28 foreign countries, this "world's Fair of the West" was built on Treasure Island, a man-made island in San Francisco Bay. Viewers see the exteriors of many exhibition halls and the pavilions of foreign nations. The art, sculpture, and flowers on display are also featured.
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