Love Strange Love is a provocative Brazilian drama that delves into taboo subjects such as love, sexuality, and incest. Set in the 1930s during a failed coup attempt in Brazil, the film follows a teenage boy who becomes involved in a forbidden relationship with a mature woman. As their relationship develops, they explore their sexual curiosities and navigate the complexities of their desires. Love Strange Love is a daring exploration of coming-of-age, loss of innocence, and the blurred boundaries of love.
In Mom and Dad, a mass hysteria sweeps through a suburban neighborhood causing parents to turn violently against their own children. A teenage girl and her younger brother must find a way to survive the chaos and avoid getting killed by their own mom and dad. The film is filled with dark humor, suspenseful moments, and unexpected twists.
In an ancient castle, a mad scientist is trying to revive his dead daughter by an operation, but there are certain body parts he needs that he can't get. His problem is solved when a group of drunken party-goers stumble into his castle.
In Mexico City, a female vampire seeks revenge on a group of men who wronged her in the past. As a series of murders occur, a police detective tries to unravel the mystery and stop the vampire's killing spree. The plot takes several twists and turns as the detective delves deeper into the dark secrets surrounding the vampire's actions.
Abandoned is a 2001 movie that revolves around the life of a young boy who is abandoned by his parents and left to fend for himself in an orphanage. The film explores themes of abuse, friendship, and growing up in a harsh and unforgiving world.
Late spring 1942: France is under German occupation. But this doesn't much concern the boarders of a school lost in the French country. Bernard, a rather frivolous teenager, is in love for the first time; he's fond of Marie-Helene, an older and more mature girl. To approach her is not so easy...
Lovers living together on a remote island but who are forced to remain physically apart after one of them contracts a virus. Their isolation is disrupted by the arrival of a third person who has immunity and as a result can come into direct contact with both of them.
12-year-old Martin finds the going tough. Manhood is approaching, but so far mostly as aches and pain. His mother's men friends are definitely nothing like the father he does not have. So some kind of male bonding is inevitable when he meets Funder, a juvenile droput on the run from the police. There is also girl-friend Rikke to consider. Who needs Martin the most? Coming of age isn't so easy.
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