Terrified follows a paranormal researcher investigating a series of disturbing phenomena in a suburban neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As he digs deeper, he uncovers a violent and disturbing force that threatens the lives of the residents. With elements of grindhouse film, the movie explores themes of haunted houses, violence, and the supernatural. It also delves into the psychological horror experienced by the characters.
In this comedy-drama, a struggling actress living alone in a small apartment becomes obsessed with her telephone. She spends her days talking to imaginary people and watching herself on TV. One day, her telephone bill arrives and she decides to cut the telephone line to save money. However, this decision leads to a series of unexpected events that test her sanity.
After four years of living together, Léa dumps Mario. He is going to have to spend the loneliest summer of his life locked up in his Madrid apartment, with multiple broken bones. But this summer promises to be a journey in search of happiness, without leaving the downtown district. This trip will change the life of Mario, Chica, a mysterious young woman who appears on his doorstep, and Olmo the young and sassy neighbor, in love with Mario.
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