Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad is an anime TV show about a 14-year-old boy named Yukio Tanaka, who goes by the nickname Koyuki. Koyuki's life changes when he saves a dog named Beck and becomes friends with its owner, Ryuusuke Minami, a talented guitarist. Inspired by Ryuusuke, Koyuki decides to pick up the guitar and join Ryuusuke's band, Beck. The show follows Koyuki's journey as he navigates the ups and downs of being a part of the band and explores themes of friendship, romance, and the power of music.
After the death of her brother, a teenage girl from a small town pursues her dream of becoming a singer. She enrolls in a prestigious music school in the city and faces various challenges and obstacles on her journey to stardom.
BECK (2010) follows the story of a high school student named Yukio who forms a rock band with his friends and embarks on a journey to pursue his dreams of music. Along the way, they face various challenges and obstacles as they strive to make a name for themselves in the music industry.
Silent Wedding is a comedy-drama film set in a rural village in Romania during the Soviet era. The story revolves around a wedding ceremony that goes awry when a television crew arrives to document the event. The film explores themes of love, death, and the influence of communist propaganda. Based on a true story, Silent Wedding provides a unique perspective on life in a small village during a turbulent time in history.
New Kids on the Block is an animated television series featuring the adventures of the New Kids on the Block. The series lasted a season from 1990–1991 on ABC. The following year, The Disney Channel showed the series in reruns. Though the group appeared in live action clips, the voices of the New Kids were done by other voice actors, due to licensing reasons. "You Got It" was the opening theme, while an instrumental version of "Step by Step" was the closing theme.
Kadu, a boy from Pakil, Laguna, experiences the dissolution of tradition as it gives way to capitalism in the form of Madame, a foreigner who initially came to their village as a customer during the Festival of Turumba.
Dracula of Exarcheia is a psychotronic film that follows the story of a rock musician and descendant of Dracula who leads a music band in Athens. One night, during a performance in a cemetery, he accidentally resurrects the undead and chaos ensues. With elements of surrealism and stripping, the movie explores themes of sex, death, and rock music in a unique and bizarre way.
At a college, a group of ex-GIs clash with their wives about over playing football.
A talent scout and her colleague form their own company when their agency ignores their latest discovery.
Intimate portrait of Denmark's most influential rock band Gasolin'. For the first time ever since they split up in 1978 the four band members reflect upon their career and why they parted.
A genetic experiment goes wrong as it creates a hideous monster from dead body parts:a re-animated corpse thirsty for blood.
Six college students try to play a prank on the Dean. When he ends up dead and the trail leads to them, they need to explain what happened.
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