Under Fire (1983) is a drama movie set in the 1970s during the Nicaraguan Revolution. It follows the story of a war photographer who finds himself entangled in the conflict, facing challenges such as political unrest, kidnapping, and rebel insurgency. The movie provides social commentary on the complexities of war and features intense scenes of violence, including summary executions and the use of hand grenades. With its gripping plot and powerful storytelling, Under Fire showcases the experiences of a journalist risking everything to capture the truth.
The Babe Ruth Story is a film that tells the life story of baseball player Babe Ruth. It explores his upbringing in an orphanage, his rise to fame as a professional player, and his personal struggles and triumphs. The film depicts his time with the Baltimore Orioles, Boston Red Sox, and New York Yankees, as well as his off-field activities such as his involvement with the Catholic Church and his tumultuous personal life.
A young barber's girlfriend falls into the clutches of a shady nightclub owner and his cohorts, who plan to get her involved in their nefarious schemes. When his efforts to rescue her prove futile, he enlists the help of his father, who was at one time a professional baseball player, and his former teammates to save her.
A documentary about the last season of Baltimore's Memorial Stadium and its eventual demolition, highlighting its significance to the city and sports history.
In 1994, baseball was on the verge of disaster. The 232 day strike cancelled the World Series, cost the sport billions, and alienated a loyal fan base. But in 1995, one man did his part to help bring the sport back from the brink.
Documentary using still photographs, vintage film footage and interviews with some of the early stars of American baseball to trace the development of the sport from the end of the 19th Century through the first decade and a half of the Twentieth.
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