O Lucky Man! (1973) follows the journey of a young coffee salesman named Mick Travis as he embarks on a surreal and darkly comedic exploration of ambition and corruption. From encountering an evil industrialist to a touring band, Mick faces unjust incarceration, corrupted idealism, and surreal situations that challenge his beliefs. This satirical film delves into themes of power, greed, and the absurdity of modern society.
Call Me Madam is a comedy musical about a female ambassador named Sally Adams who is appointed to the position in Washington DC. She encounters various challenges and comedic situations as she navigates her new role. Along the way, she gets involved in romances, political intrigue, and cultural misunderstandings. The movie showcases her journey and the humorous mishaps that occur as she tries to fulfill her duties as an ambassador.
Don Vincente is determined to make a success of himself and his band. He gets his break by performing at the Garden of the Moon, which is broadcast over the radio. The problem is that John Quinn is the club's ruthless, scheming manager who will do anything to keep Vincente under his thumb. John's assistant, Toni Blake, falls for Vincente, complicating the escalating war.
Joni gets persuaded to enter a bikini contest by her friends and likes the attention. She talks to another contestant, Harlow, who suggests she try exotic dancing at Kandyland, where she works. Joni gets fed up with her job at the dry cleaner's, and boyfriend Frank won't commit, so she gets a job at Kandyland. She finds others doing drugs and getting abused, and tries to make her new job, her lingering attraction to Frank, and her strong friendship with Harlow coexist.
Nick Stuart & Marjorie Beebe in "romantic" air-scapades that ends up in Zeppelin.
An adventure serial presented in 12 chapters. Inventor Thomas Edmunds uses a super plane, 'The Phantom,' to protect his new anti-gravity invention, the Contragrav, from theft.
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