Cosmoball is a thrilling sci-fi action movie set in a world where supernatural powers and futuristic technology merge with a competitive sport. The story follows a group of talented athletes who participate in a high-stakes soccer game known as Cosmoball. As they compete in this intense and dangerous sport, they must also confront a powerful villain who seeks to use the game for world domination. With the fate of the world at stake, the athletes must push their limits and harness their supernatural abilities to save humanity.
Brijes are magical animal spirits that have been in contact with human beings since the beginning of time. Every human had his brije: The human cared for his brije and vice versa. When the human turned 13 the old shamans performed the ritual a synchronizing ritual trough which the human and the brije were able to transform into the warrior form: a physical state in which the human acquired the powers of his brije and extraordinary strength needed to perform acts of heroism. Unfortunately hundreds of years ago, with the birth of modern science and technology, this union was severed and humans stopped believing in magic.
Papa Q. Bear wants more than golden honey to have one of his cubs play baseball. Brother has no interest, while Sister goes unnoticed.
Fresh out of a long-term relationship, Mac leaves Oregon for a summer on Fire Island and must decide if he can handle his eccentric new housemates on the mythical Island of Misfit Boys.
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