Kept Boy follows the story of a young man who finds himself in a unique living situation as a kept boy in the city of Los Angeles. The film explores the complexities of his relationships, particularly his older man-younger man relationship, and the challenges he faces as he navigates through themes of love, identity, and self-discovery.
Georgia Potter, an old-fashioned widow who lives in a small Southern town, whose life changes drastically when her estranged daughter and the son-in-law she never met die in a car crash. When she visits her granddaughter Jacey in the hospital, she’s shocked to discover that she’s half black, but conceals her misgivings and decides to raise her by herself.
After the Bellinga family vloggers are voted the best vloggers of the year, thieves, green with envy, hatch a plan to steal the gold winner's cup.
Buster, an ice delivery man, falls for one of his customers, not knowing she has a twin sister living next door.
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