MoviesTV ShowsThemes

Movies and TvShows featuring "bad-teacher" theme.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix(2007)


With their warning about Lord Voldemort's return scoffed at, Harry and Dumbledore are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes power at Hogwarts. Harry and his cousin Dudley are attacked by Dementors, prompting the Ministry of Magic to try to have him expelled. Harry joins the Order of the Phoenix to fight against Voldemort's return, but faces isolation and betrayal. As the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher refuses to teach practical magic, Harry forms a secret defence group called Dumbledore's Army. Harry's nightmares continue as he learns Occlumency to block Voldemort's influence. Meanwhile, Bellatrix Lestrange escapes from Azkaban, Umbridge uncovers the secret group, and Dumbledore is questioned before making a daring escape. Umbridge becomes the new Headmistress, and with the help of the Weasley twins, chaos ensues. In an attempt to save Sirius, Harry and his friends enter the Department of Mysteries and are ambushed by Death Eaters. A battle erupts, resulting in Sirius's death and a duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort. Harry, possessed by Voldemort, resists his influence and love triumphs over evil. The Ministry ends their smear campaign, Umbridge is removed, and Harry tells his friends that love is worth fighting for.

A.P. Bio
Tv Show

A.P. Bio (2021)


After being denied tenure at Harvard, Jack Griffin returns to his hometown and takes a job as a high school biology teacher. Determined to get back at his rival, he uses his students to help him seek revenge.

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Nightmare Teacher
Tv Show

Nightmare Teacher (2016)


Nightmare Teacher is a TV show about a high school teacher who has supernatural powers and uses them to haunt his students. The story follows a teenage girl who discovers that her teacher is not what he seems, and she, along with a group of other students, must unravel the mysteries surrounding him. As they dig deeper, they uncover forgotten pacts, time-travel, and a dark history that links them all. The show explores themes of school bullying, teenage drama, and the power of friendship.

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Bad Teacher

Bad Teacher(2011)

The Teacher

The Teacher(2016)


Set in Bratislava in 1983 during the communist era, 'The Teacher' tells the story of an emotionally abusive schoolteacher who uses her position to manipulate and exploit her students. The film explores themes of corruption, abuse of power, and the impact of a toxic teacher on the lives of her students. As the story unfolds, a group of parents and students band together to confront the teacher, leading to a moral dilemma and an attempted suicide. The nonlinear narrative sheds light on the complexities of the teacher-student relationship and the consequences of unchecked authority.

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A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time(2003)




Headfirst (2014) is a comedy-drama that follows the story of an alcoholic teacher in Eastern Europe. As he struggles with alcoholism, he tries to navigate complex family relationships and societal problems. The movie explores themes of hopelessness, mother-daughter estrangement, poverty, and the role of education in a suburban setting.

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Discover movies and TV shows that revolve around the 'Bad teacher' theme. From comedies to dramas, explore the adventures and misadventures of educators who don't quite make the grade. Find stories that hilariously depict their unorthodox teaching methods or darkly explore their morally dubious actions. Dive into a world where unconventional educators blur the line between mentor and menace.

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