Curb Your Enthusiasm follows Larry David, a misanthropic writer living in Los Angeles, as he navigates through various comedic misadventures. The show showcases Larry's encounters with celebrity culture, his unconventional behaviors, and the humorous situations that arise from his interactions with others.
Lucky Romance is a romantic comedy TV show set in South Korea. The story revolves around a woman who believes in superstitions and considers herself to be unlucky. She crosses paths with a genius tennis player who is rational and logic-driven. As they spend more time together, they find themselves caught in a love triangle. The show explores themes of love, luck, and the clash between rationality and superstition.
In 1981, in San Francisco, the smart salesman and family man Chris Gardner invests the family savings in Osteo National bone-density scanners, an apparatus twice as expensive as an x-ray machine but with a slightly clearer image. This white elephant financially breaks the family, bringing troubles to his relationship with his wife Linda, who leaves him and moves to New York where she has taken a job in a pizza parlor. Their son Christopher stays with Chris because he and his wife both know that he will be able to take better care of him. Without any money or a wife, but committed to his son, Chris sees a chance to fight for a stockbroker internship position at Dean Witter, offering a more promising career at the end of a six-month unpaid training period. During that period, Chris goes through a lot of hardship personally and professionally. When he thinks he is stable, he finds that he has lost $600 when the government takes the last bit of money in his bank account for taxes. He is rendered homeless because he can't pay his rent. He is forced at one point to stay in a bathroom at a train station, and must scramble from work every day to the Glide Memorial United Methodist Church, which offers shelter to the homeless. He must leave work early every day so that he is there by 5:00 in the evening along with his son so that he may be assured of a place to sleep. He is seen carrying his suitcase to work because he doesn't have a home. At work, there are nineteen other candidates for the one position. One day, he is called into an office and in it were the heads of Dean Witter. Chris thinks that he is about to be told the job will not be his as he says that he wore a shirt and tie for his final day. Then they tell him that he has been an excellent trainee and that tomorrow he will have to wear his shirt and tie again as it will be his first day as a broker. Chris struggles to hold back tears. Outside he begins to cry as the busy people of San Francisco walk past him. He rushes to his son's daycare, hugging him and knowing that after everything him and his son had been through things would be all right. The final scene shows Chris walking with his son down a street. His son is telling him a joke, when a wealthy business man in a suit walks past. Chris looks back as the man continues on. The man in the suit is none other than the real Chris Gardner.
In the movie 'Luck (2022)', 18-year-old Sam, an unlucky orphan, enters the real world and discovers the millennia-old battle between the organizations of good luck and bad luck. As she tries to find her place, a mysterious black cat and a lucky penny change her fortune. Will Sam embark on the adventure of a lifetime?
Milo Murphy, a 13-year-old boy, experiences a never-ending chain of misfortune and encounters strange and unexpected events during his time in middle school. Despite his constant bad luck, Milo manages to navigate through various bizarre adventures and always finds a way to turn his misfortune into an opportunity for excitement and fun.
Ruby Gloom follows the adventures of a young girl named Ruby and her friends in the eccentric, gothic town of Gloomsville. Despite the dark and gloomy atmosphere, Ruby and her friends find joy and happiness in even the most mundane and spooky situations. They face challenges, embrace their uniqueness, and celebrate their misfit family in this heartwarming animated TV show.
The Innocent follows the story of a man who, after being involved in a mysterious incident, tries to live a normal life. However, a series of shocking events unravel a conspiracy that he must uncover to protect his loved ones.
In 1971, Navy fighter pilot Leland 'Buzz' Harley soars through the skies with reckless abandon, agitating his co-pilot, Dominick 'Mail Man' Farnham. In pursuit of an enemy plane, Buzz pushes the aircraft past its speed limit, and he and Mail Man are forced to eject. Entangled by his seat belt, Mail Man crash lands in a forest. He survives, but is shot by hunters who mistake him for a deer. Twenty years later, Navy Lieutenant Commander Block drives to a remote Indian reservation to convince Buzz Harley's son, Sean 'Topper' Harley, to return to the Navy for a special mission...
Cursed, later renamed The Weber Show, is an American sitcom that ran on NBC from 2000–2001. It starred Steven Weber, Amy Pietz, Wendell Pierce, and Chris Elliot. The show is notable for having an abrupt title change in the middle of its first season. The initial premise was that its protagonist had been cursed by an ex-girlfriend and thus constantly encountered bad luck. The show failed to find an audience, and so midway through the season the entire "bad luck" angle was abruptly dropped. The show was revamped as a more traditional sitcom and renamed The Weber Show. In spite of the change, the show still struggled and was canceled at the end of the season, leaving a cliffhanger unresolved. The show's theme song was written and performed by Liz Phair.
Just My Luck is a romantic comedy film about Ashley, a lucky woman who switched luck with Jake, a guy with seemingly constant bad luck. As Ashley enjoys her newfound good fortune, Jake struggles to navigate his now unlucky life. They must find a way to reverse the luck before it's too late.
A model named Valentine accidentally runs over a dog and discovers that its owner, a retired judge named Joseph Kern, is keen on invading people's privacy by listening to their private telephone conversations. As Valentine becomes fascinated by Kern's actions, she starts to question the morality of his behavior and the reasons why people obey laws. Through their unlikely friendship, Valentine and Kern explore themes of love, destiny, isolation, and the intertwined lives of people. Their lives intersect with other characters from the trilogy, leading to a tragic ending.
Spanish Shame is a surreal comedy-drama that follows the lives of a couple in Madrid. Their relationship is tested by unfaithfulness, bad luck, and the absurdity of everyday life. As they navigate the challenges of marriage, adoption, and their eccentric neighbors, they discover that shame can be a powerful force in their lives. With a touch of surrealism and a dose of irony, Spanish Shame takes viewers on a journey through the ups and downs of love, friendship, and family.
Black Cat, White Cat is a chaotic and humorous tale of love, friendship, and deception. Set in a small Romani village, the story follows the adventures of Matko, a bumbling debt-ridden gangster, and his son Zare, who is searching for love. The film is filled with quirky characters, slapstick humor, and unpredictable twists and turns.
In 'Just Married,' a young couple embarks on their honeymoon, but their bliss is disrupted by a series of comedic mishaps, including encounters with ex-lovers and run-ins with the law.
Stanley Yelnats IV, a teenage boy, is falsely accused of stealing a pair of sneakers and is sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention center. At the camp, the inmates are forced to dig holes in the desert as a form of punishment. As Stanley adjusts to life at the camp, he uncovers a deeper mystery involving a family curse, a legendary treasure, and the true purpose behind the hole-digging. With the help of his newfound friends, Stanley sets out to solve the mystery and clear his name.
A divorced couple, David and Georgia, join forces to travel to Bali when their daughter, Lily, falls in love and decides to get married there. They plan to sabotage the wedding but end up realizing their mistakes and reconciling their own relationship. In the end, they choose to stay in Bali to be closer to their daughter.
Invincible is a biographical drama based on the true story of Vince Papale, a 30-year-old bartender from South Philadelphia who becomes an NFL player. Set in the 1970s, the movie follows Vince's journey as he overcomes the odds, makes the Philadelphia Eagles team, and becomes a hometown hero. Along the way, he faces challenges such as a failing marriage, financial problems, and self-doubt. The movie showcases Vince's determination, underdog spirit, and his journey from rags to riches.
The misadventures of a knight and a healer begin in this new fantasy comedy series!
La Chèvre is a comedy adventure film about a clumsy businessman who teams up with a private detective to find a woman who has gone missing. Their search takes them on a wild journey filled with hilarious mishaps and unexpected twists.
A young scientist and his lab partner study eyes and the chromosome for sight to prove the origins of mankind. They end up challenging the uniqueness of everyone's eyes when their son's eyes match a deceased person's. They discover a girl in India with the same eyes as the scientist's ex-girlfriend who died in an elevator accident, leading to more mysteries.