On My Skin is a gripping biographical drama based on the true story of Stefano Cucchi, an Italian man who died in police custody. The film highlights the abuse of power and corruption within the Italian police and justice system, as well as the struggle faced by Cucchi and his family to seek justice for his death. Through a one-week time span, the movie explores themes of police misconduct, human rights abuse, and the failure of the legal system.
In Convicted (1950), a man finds himself falsely accused and imprisoned. As he tries to survive within the harsh environment of the American prison system, he must also unravel a web of deception and corruption that threatens his life. With a vow of silence, he discovers that trust is a dangerous commodity within the prison walls.
Samson Cazalet, Taxi driver in his thirties, picks up a client at the airport. The same evening, the daughter of the woman disappears and the overwhelming evidence points to Samson. How can he prove his innocence when he is the ideal suspect?
Fifteen-year-old Chris Mills isn't too happy with his divorcing parents. In fact, he doesn't want them to split at all, so he hires car repair shop owner -- and former attorney -- Archie Corelli to run interference for him and put a stop to the proceedings. It's a match made in heaven because Chris and Archie both have a deep desire to see the right thing done.
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