In the final installment of the Skywalker saga, Rey learns of the return of Emperor Palpatine. With the help of her friends, she embarks on a mission to find a Sith wayfinder to locate Palpatine's hidden fleet. Along the way, Rey learns about her true lineage and faces off against Kylo Ren. The Resistance must gather allies from across the galaxy to defeat the First Order and bring balance to the Force.
James Bond is assigned to investigate the hijacking of a space shuttle and discovers a plan to destroy human life by launching globes dispensing a deadly nerve gas into Earth's atmosphere. With the help of an astronaut named Holly Goodhead, Bond must stop the mastermind behind the plot, Hugo Drax, and his henchman Jaws. Bond and Goodhead destroy the space station and the globes, saving humanity from extinction.
In 1930s New York City, a tough hero known as The Shadow uses his unique abilities to combat crime and protect the city from a powerful villain. With the help of a love interest and his own extraordinary skills, The Shadow must uncover a conspiracy that threatens to unleash chaos and destruction.
In Avispatropolis, the fearless Captain Avispa emerges as an exemplary protector of the city, whose courage and convictions always prevail over the forces of evil. His unbreakable power is nourished by absolute sincerity, as he would lose his strength if he dared to weave deceit. Only in pursuit of noble causes does he allow himself to deviate from the truth. As is common in stories of this kind, Captain Wasp is surrounded by a constellation of close friends and arch-enemies, whose stories have their origins in the artist's songs.
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