Cells at Work! is an edutainment anime based on the manga of the same name. It takes place inside the human body and follows the daily lives of anthropomorphized cells, particularly the red blood cell AE3803 and the white blood cell U-1146, as they work together to protect the body from germs and other threats.
A group of workers on a remote Scottish oil rig are due to return to the mainland when a mysterious fog enshrouds them and supernatural forces take hold. The crew must navigate through the fog and the unknown force that drives it. As they struggle to survive, they question who they can trust.
In this TV show, Earth is invaded by aliens who launch a devastating attack. As humanity fights for survival, they discover that the aliens are vulnerable to bacteria. The show follows the struggles of a group of survivors as they try to stay alive and find a way to defeat the aliens.
ReGenesis is a thrilling drama TV show that explores the complexities of the medical and scientific world. Set in Canada, the series follows a team of dedicated scientists as they investigate and solve various medical and genetic mysteries. They tackle topics such as substance abuse, epidemics, pandemics, genetics, human cloning, and more. With high-stakes situations and moral dilemmas, ReGenesis provides an engaging and thought-provoking watch.
Aza confronts her potential for love, happiness, friendship, and hope while navigating an endless barrage of invasive, obsessive thoughts.
Cells at Work! CODE BLACK is a spinoff of the original series Cells at Work! and takes place in a universe where the human body is suffering from various health issues. It follows a red blood cell, who is a new recruit, as he navigates through a body ravaged by alcohol abuse, smoking, stress, and other vices. The series delves into the darker aspects of the human body, showcasing the struggles of different cells as they try to maintain balance and ensure the survival of the body.
Once Upon a Time... Life is an animated TV show that explores the inner workings of the human body. Join the anthropomorphic characters as they take you on a journey through the bloodstream, introducing you to different types of cells, bacteria, and viruses. This educational series provides a fun and informative look at biology.
Follow the life of Tadayasu Sawaki as he enrolls in an Agricultural University and learn about bacteria and viruses that he alone can see with the naked eye.
An original medical murder mystery surrounds an unknown killer coccus (bacteria), that leaves no trace in the victim's body, which enables it to be used as the perfect weapon to kill. Fujimaki Tatsuomi is a pathologist working at the Pathlogy department at Meikyo Medical University Hospital. He's looked down upon by the other staff around him, and his relationship with Maho his wife, a former nurse, has cooled down. After a patient's suspicious death, he makes a new discovery; when the deadly bacteria "Gift" invades the body, the patient soon dies, but the "Gift" leaves no trace thereafter, enabling it to be used as the perfect weapon to kill. As a result of this discovery, Fujimaki's life dramatically changes. While searching for a way to treat his ailing wife's heart disease, he becomes embroiled in a conspiracy surrounding the killer bacteria "Gift."
In the year 2040s, during a research mission on Mars, a group of astronauts discover a deadly alien infection that causes them to turn into violent, flesh-eating creatures. As they struggle to escape the planet, they must also fight against time and the sandstorm that threatens their survival.
Delve into the digestive system with this lighthearted and informative documentary that demystifies the role gut health plays in our overall well-being.
In a small town in Colorado, a group of people must face a supernatural creature that is terrorizing the town. As they try to survive, they uncover the dark secrets of the creature and its origins.
In a field hospital during World War Two, a doctor must confront a syphilis outbreak that threatens the lives of his patients. As he tries to cure them, he must also face his own demons and the challenges of a war-torn environment.
Isle of Flowers is a documentary that delves into the economic crisis and loss of humanity in a landfill in Brazil. It examines the harsh realities of poverty, hunger, and the impact of capitalism on the lives of the people living in the landfill. The film also explores themes of advertising, consumerism, and the consequences of profit-driven societies. Through a thought-provoking narrative, Isle of Flowers sheds light on the social and economic issues faced by the poor in Brazil.
In a small town, a deadly virus outbreak occurs due to a laboratory accident. The town's residents are quarantined as the virus spreads rapidly, and they must find a way to survive and stop the outbreak before it becomes a catastrophe.
In a research facility, a deadly infection caused by a mutated plant spreads rapidly, causing giant insects to grow and go on a violent rampage. A police detective and an entomologist must work together to stop the creatures before they escape the facility and spread further.
A group of archeologists in a remote arctic outpost uncover a mysterious temple that unleashes a cosmic horror. As they become infected with a deadly virus, paranoia and violence ensue, leading to a fight for survival against a supernatural creature.
The Story of Louis Pasteur tells the story of the famous French scientist and his discoveries including the vaccine for rabies and the process of pasteurization. It explores his struggles, experiments, and the impact of his work on medicine and society.
Voyage of Time: The IMAX Experience takes viewers on a remarkable journey through the history of the universe, from the birth of stars to the emergence of life on Earth. Through breathtaking visuals and scientific insights, it delves into the wonders of nature, the mysteries of the cosmos, and the interconnectedness of all living things. The film explores the delicate balance between chaos and order, and invites viewers to contemplate the complexities and beauty of existence within the vast expanse of time.
In 1909, Dr. Ehrlich, a German Jew and exceptional physician, researches the treatment of syphilis at a German medical institute. Facing challenges such as limited funding, antisemitism, and the death of his husband, Dr. Ehrlich perseveres in his quest for a cure. With groundbreaking innovations including the development of Salvarsan, a magic bullet against syphilis, he becomes a renowned figure in the medical community.