In the prehistoric Ice Age, a mammoth named Manfred, a saber-toothed tiger named Diego, a sloth named Sid, and a squirrel-rat hybrid named Scrat become unlikely friends as they journey to return a human baby to his tribe while facing dangerous obstacles and betrayals. Along the way, they learn the importance of friendship and sacrifice.
Holly and Eric, who dislike each other, are forced to become guardians of their best friends' orphaned daughter. As they struggle to care for Sophie and get along, they start developing feelings for each other. However, when Eric is offered a job in another city, it tests their relationship. Eventually, they realize their love for each other and become a family.
Rory MacNeil, a tough Scotsman, travels to San Francisco to seek medical treatment. Along the way, he discovers the importance of family and learns to let go of the grudges holding him back.
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