John Rabe (2009) tells the gripping true story of a German businessman, John Rabe, who saved over 200,000 Chinese civilians during the brutal Japanese occupation of Nanking in 1937. As a Siemens expatriate and the head of the company's Nanking branch, Rabe used his influence and connections to establish a safety zone, sheltering thousands from the atrocities committed by the Japanese army. His selfless actions and determination to protect innocent lives make him a true hero.
When tough cop Joe Bomowski's mother comes to visit, she witnesses a murder and becomes the target of a dangerous criminal. As Joe tries to protect his mom, he must also handle the embarrassment and humiliation caused by her overprotective nature. Together, they navigate through shootouts, car chases, and showdowns to bring down the criminal and restore order.
Abducted: The Carlina White Story is a gripping drama based on the true story of Carlina White, who was abducted as a baby and raised by a fake nurse. As Carlina grows up, she starts questioning her identity and embarks on a journey to find her birth parents, leading to a shocking revelation.
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