Mainstream is a satirical comedy that follows the lives of an internet celebrity and a struggling writer who team up to create viral videos. As they gain fame and fortune, they are forced to confront the dark side of internet fame and the consequences it has on their relationships and personal identities.
Tony Hunter, a washed-up Hollywood star, is hoping to revive his career by starring in a new Broadway musical. With the help of a talented choreographer and a talented ballerina, Tony embarks on a journey to success, facing challenges and experiencing the ups and downs of the creative process.
A scientist's experiment goes wrong, causing a lethal virus outbreak. As people become infected, they go on a killing spree, with a baboon going berserk and infecting others. A group of college students must fight to survive the chaos and stop the spread of the virus.
Powder Room is a comedy movie set in a London nightclub restroom where Sam, a young woman desperate for a night of fun, finds herself in hilarious and chaotic situations with her friends. From vomiting and bad dancing to romantic mishaps and funny encounters, Sam's night takes unexpected twists and turns.
In the small town of Oakton, Halloween takes a deadly turn when a masked killer begins targeting its residents. As the body count rises, a group of stoners must uncover the identity of the murderer before they become the next victims. With a mayoral election in full swing and pumpkin carving contests underway, the town's Halloween festivities turn into a fight for survival. Halloweed is a thrilling horror-comedy that explores themes of friendship, deception, and the dangers of small-town life.
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