This documentary explores the life and career of Joan Crawford, a legendary movie star known for her melodramatic performances. It delves into her struggles and triumphs, from her rise to fame in the 1920s to her iconic status as a Hollywood star. The film examines her tumultuous personal life, including her marriages, adoption of a son, battles with alcoholism, and her strained relationship with her daughter. Through interviews and archival footage, viewers gain insight into the price of fame and the lasting impact Crawford had on the film industry.
A 1940s Tennesee welfare worker learns that Georgia Tann, the charismatic head of a local adoption agency, is actually running a black-market baby ring behind the Tennesee Childrens Home Society.
A young mother hands her children into what she thinks is a childcare center while she finds a new home, but returns to find that they have been adopted out without her knowledge.
A couple operates a shady maternity home in 1930s/1940s Nova Scotia. Based on a true story.
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