Baby Bottleneck (1946) is a Looney Tunes animated comedy short film. The story revolves around a mix-up in a baby delivery service, resulting in various mishaps and chaos. The film showcases the comedic struggles of the characters as they navigate through the challenges caused by the mix-up. It is filled with humorous situations and surreal elements, making it an entertaining watch for both children and adults.
An animated singing and dancing revue of babies (representing a variety of stereotypes) who are being prepared for delivery by stork.
Overworked as cook and dishwasher at a busy diner, Betty Boop calls it quits and accepts a job as nursery attendant at Bundle From Heaven Nursery.
Old King Cole marries the Woman in the Shoe. As soon as they get home, the babies show up from every drawer and closet, much to the king's chagrin.
The audience takes a tour through a baby factory run by storks. Next, we're invited to follow the bouncing ball and sing along to "Pretty Baby".
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