Mob Psycho 100 follows the story of Kageyama Shigeo, also known as Mob, a teenage boy who has incredibly powerful psychic abilities. Despite his immense powers, Mob just wants to live a normal life and navigate the challenges of high school. Along the way, he becomes involved in various supernatural incidents and uses his powers to help others. With the guidance of his mentor, Reigen, Mob learns to control his emotions and use his abilities for good.
Light on Me is a romantic drama TV show set in an all-boys school. It follows the journey of a gay protagonist as he navigates his first love, dealing with societal expectations, and embracing his true self. The show explores themes of friendship, jealousy, and coming-of-age, making it a relatable and engaging watch for all viewers.
Kisara Hanae, a girl who retired from karate due to an accidental injury and was at the lowest point of her life. She meets Ashida Haruki, the songwriter of a song she used to listen to before every match. But he is now a failed musician, a one-hit wonder, and a weirdo with a lot of problems! Hanae's childhood friend, Natsukawa Shingo, who is always watching over her gets involved and a love triangle develops. Hanae has a "secret" that she can't tell anyone, and decides that "this is the last love of her life".
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