Fudoh: The New Generation is a dark comedy film that follows a teenager who seeks revenge against a criminal syndicate. The plot involves graphic violence, murder, and irreverence. The protagonist uses his skills in karate and katana to take down his enemies and exact his revenge. The film is based on a manga and features elements of gore and blood-splatter.
Tim Kim's Great Escape is a 2 time award winning film at the BG REEL 48 hour film challenge. The movie follows Tim Kim (Tim Kim) as he has been captured by an evil auctioneer (Carter Hellwarth). Can Tim Kim defeat the evil auctioneer and his no-good gang of goons, or will Tim Kim fall victim to his biggest threat yet!
The history of one of Austria’s greatest actors
After impulsively shaving off his beard and sidelocks, a young Hasidic man experiences a nightmarish transformation that leads him right back to where he started. Over the course of one painful night, Eli Eisenstein will come to realize that it’s much easier to shave your beard than to shed who you are.
The Pride is a movie that revolves around the LGBTQ community and their fight for acceptance in society. Set in Chicago, Illinois, the film explores the challenges faced by individuals in a homophobic environment. It highlights the journey of a group of LGBTQ activists as they strive to bring about change and break societal stereotypes. With powerful performances and a thought-provoking narrative, The Pride showcases the importance of love, equality, and embracing one's true self.
When a new talk show bumps Sailor and Colin off the network, their lives are left in shambles. However, this new show seems not just to be upending the lives of two, but in fact the entire living realm.
Awesome Man is the story of a local Utah superhero whose quest is to end all crime ever while simultaneously being awesome.
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