In the snowy town of Ontario, Canada, a young girl named Cass is kidnapped from her father's truck. As the years pass, her parents, Matthew and Tina, struggle to cope with her absence. Meanwhile, a police detective named Nicole becomes obsessed with finding Cass and uncovers a disturbing network of child abduction and pornography. The investigation takes a dark turn when Nicole herself is kidnapped, leading to a tense and thrilling conclusion.
In the 1980s, a gold prospector in Southeast Asia discovers a massive gold mine. He forms a partnership with a geologist and together they venture into the jungle to establish a mining operation. However, they face financial difficulties, fraud, and the threat of the Wall Street establishment. Based on a true story, 'Gold' explores the greed and ambition that drive people to risk everything for wealth.
In The Man of the Year, a man witnesses a murder and decides to take justice into his own hands by becoming a vigilante. As he delves deeper into the criminal underworld, he uncovers corruption and fights to bring justice to the city.
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