The Wonders follows a teenage girl named Gelsomina who lives in rural Italy in the 1990s. She is part of a family that runs an apiary and participates in a fictional game show. Gelsomina faces social isolation and struggles with her family's patriarchal dynamics. As she becomes more involved in beekeeping, she discovers a troubled past and begins to question her place in the world. The film explores themes of isolation, family, and the awakening of a young girl.
The Dominici Affair is a murder mystery set in post-World War II France. A family is brutally murdered on their farm in the south of France, and suspicion falls on Gaston Dominici, a goat herder. As the investigation unfolds, false accusations, murder confessions, and witness testimonies complicate the case. The film explores social commentary, father-son conflicts, and the pursuit of justice in a small country community. With an unsolved mystery and a death penalty on the line, the police detective, judge, and journalist work to uncover the truth and bring closure to the murder of a family.
In war-torn Abkhazia, a grandfather and his granddaughter live on a small corn plantation on a river island. They face various challenges and adapt to their environment amid the ongoing conflict.
A family confined to a villa in which they live. Outside an unnatural fog that burns people that enter in contact with it. No possibility for communication with the outside, only a hypothesis about a possible cause of the phenomenon. In complete isolation, in lack of supplies, a sound of a glass breaking. Despite the thick fog outside, someone entered the villa. Maybe not everybody die in the fog...
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