The Wind Rises follows the story of Jiro Horikoshi, a young engineer with a passion for aviation. Set in the early 20th century, Jiro faces personal and historical challenges as he strives to realize his dream of building airplanes. From the Great Kanto Earthquake to the ravages of tuberculosis, Jiro's journey is both a tale of passion and a reflection on the sacrifices one must make for their dreams.
Porco Rosso, a veteran World War I pilot turned pig, battles air pirates over the Adriatic Sea. Set in 1930s Italy, Porco uses his exceptional flying and fighting skills to protect the innocent from the ruthless air pirates. Along the way, he faces personal challenges and grapples with his own identity. This Studio Ghibli film features stunning animation, a captivating story, and a touch of surrealism.
A test pilot with a troubled past is selected to be part of a top-secret mission to conquer outer space. As he faces his inner demons, he must also confront dangerous assignments, rivalries, and the challenges of supersonic flight. With the backdrop of the Cold War and the Korean War, he struggles to tame both the experimental aircraft and his own personal demons.
They raised children, baked cakes... and built world-class fighter planes. Sixty years ago, thousands of women from Thunder Bay and the Prairies donned trousers, packed lunch pails and took up rivet guns to participate in the greatest industrial war effort in Canadian history. Like many other factories across the country from 1939 to 1945, the shop floor at Fort William's Canadian Car and Foundry was transformed from an all-male workforce to one with forty percent female workers.
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