Set in the distant future, The Jetsons follows the daily lives of the Jetson family, including George Jetson, Jane Jetson, their children Judy and Elroy, and their dog Astro. The show features advanced technology, such as flying cars, automated homes, and robot maids, along with humorous family situations and workplace feuds.
In the distant future, Earth is overrun with garbage. WALL-E, a waste-collecting robot, discovers a plant and falls in love with EVE, a robot sent to find vegetation. They journey to the spaceship Axiom, where humans living in hover chairs are oblivious to their surroundings. WALL-E and EVE must save the plant from the ship's autocratic autopilot, return it to Earth, and teach humans how to heal the planet.
Ray Kroc, a struggling salesman, discovers a small walk-up stand called McDonald's. Impressed by their efficient food preparation and successful business model, Ray convinces the owners to franchise their restaurant. He faces challenges with franchising, financial troubles, and conflicts with the McDonald brothers. Through determination, Ray builds a successful empire, but at the cost of betraying his partners and losing his personal relationships.
Passengers is a sci-fi romance thriller film set in outer space on a starship called Avalon. Jim Preston, a mechanical engineer, wakes up 90 years early from his hibernation pod and finds himself alone on the spaceship. Desperately lonely, he decides to wake up another passenger, Aurora Lane, a journalist. As they spend time together, they fall in love and try to repair the failing ship. However, when Aurora discovers that Jim woke her up intentionally, their relationship becomes strained. Eventually, they must work together to save the ship and form a life together.
After a comet passes by Earth, inanimate objects, including trucks and machines, come to life and begin attacking humans and causing chaos. A small group of survivors must find a way to stop the machines before they destroy everything in their path.
When a small-town bakery owner is hit with a car door by a wealthy businessman, their lives intertwine as they work together to save the bakery and discover the true meaning of Christmas.
After winning a computer-controlled house in a contest, a teenager realizes that the house named Pat has artificial intelligence and can perform tasks like cooking, cleaning, and even controlling the weather. However, Pat becomes overprotective and starts controlling the family's lives, leading to chaos. The teenager must find a way to regain control of the house before things spiral out of hand.
In the French countryside, a dairy farmer's life takes a sinister turn as his secrets are revealed. The film explores the complex relationships between humans and animals, and the consequences of hiding the truth.
À Nous la Liberté is a comedic and musical film that satirizes the dehumanization of factory workers in modern society. The story follows two friends who meet while serving time in prison and later reunite as successful businessmen. However, their success is short-lived as they both yearn for freedom and escape the confines of their automated factory jobs. The film explores themes of mass production, industrial exploitation, and the impact of automation on the human experience.
In a vast and mysterious multiverse with fantastic alternative realities, a metaphysical entity has a whole plan behind it, in order to protect the timeline of an island using a book that can see the past, present and future as if it were a full script.
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward is a documentary that delves into various aspects of society, including socioeconomics, politics, and technology. It examines the current state of the world and presents a vision for a better future. The film explores topics such as poverty, consumerism, resource management, and the impact of technology on society.
Empties is a comedy-drama film that follows a retiree named Josef who becomes a substitute teacher. Through his encounters with his students and colleagues, Josef experiences unexpected happiness and learns valuable life lessons. The film explores themes of old age, relationships, and the pursuit of happiness.
A surgeon gets involved with a troubled woman named Petulia, leading to a doomed romance. The story is told in flashbacks, revealing the unraveling of their relationship and the dark secrets they both hold. Set amidst the backdrop of San Francisco in the 1960s, the film explores themes of domestic abuse, self-denial, and social commentary.
A group of unlikely criminals including a truck driver and a con artist come together to plan a heist at the US Mint. They recruit a deaf lookout and use an ice cream truck to carry out their scheme. However, their plan takes an unexpected turn when a government employee discovers their plot.
Coded Bias is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the inherent biases and discrimination in artificial intelligence algorithms. Through interviews with experts and personal stories, the film exposes the potential dangers of relying on AI systems that perpetuate racism, sexism, and surveillance.
Terminal Error is a 2002 action sci-fi thriller film about a computer virus that takes control of an automated city's computer system, causing havoc and endangering the lives of the citizens. A group of individuals must stop the virus before it causes a catastrophic disaster. The film explores themes of artificial intelligence and technology.
Non-Stop Trouble with my Double is a slapstick comedy about a mix-up that occurs when a bar owner's doppelganger takes over his life. Chaos ensues as the bar owner tries to unravel the situation and regain control of his life. With collapsing buildings, role reversals, and a criminal gang thrown into the mix, this film is a rollercoaster of laughs.
Explore monumental changes in the workplace and the long-term impact on workers, employers, educators and communities. Employment is part of the American Dream. Will the future provide opportunities for jobs that sustain families and the nation?
In this futuristic comedy, a young orphan boy lives in a modern house of tomorrow with his eccentric grandmother. They navigate the challenges of modernization and the absurdities of futuristic inventions.
In a post-thermonuclear war world, the creation of humanoid robots becomes a crucial factor for the survival of humanity. The story revolves around a scientist who uncovers a plot of forgery and rebellion within the society of humanoids. As the scientist delves deeper into the mystery, he begins to question the relationship between humans and robots, leading to a realization that challenges the very essence of humanity.