A passionate yet unsuccessful comedian named Rupert Pupkin stalks and kidnaps his idol, Jerry Langford, to take the spotlight for himself. Set in New York City, Rupert navigates through his delusional fantasies and ruthlessly embarrassing situations in his pursuit of fame. He will stop at nothing to become a TV talk show host and surpass Jerry, but he fails to distinguish fantasy from reality. The movie follows Rupert's committed fantasy and our detached onlooker perception, showcasing the extreme lengths he is willing to go to achieve his ambition.
Private detective Michael Shayne is on the case again, but this time he's stuck on a jury for a murder trial. So, what does he do? Why, he skips out on sequestration in order to solve the case himself!
A Hollywood heartthrob helps a small-town girl achieve stardom.
Emily, a child, stays with her bourgeois grandparents during frequent periods when her mother makes films. Isabelle wraps a picture, flies to her childhood home to pick up Emily, and plans to leave for her place in France. Old wounds between Isabelle and her parents open around Isabelle's life style. It's also apparent that Isabelle's mother, Paula, is unhappy - with her husband and with her youthful hopes dashed when she became pregnant with Isabelle. Unbeknownst to Isabelle, the co-star of the film she's just made has followed her, checked into a nearby hotel, and wants to begin an affair, even though he's married. Can Isabelle sort it out? What's best for Emily?
A trio of veteran pilots joins an aerial circus.
A pianist takes his ailing wife out of a London hospital at the same time that another female patient there has suffered a miscarriage. Afterwards, the second woman feels empty and withdrawn, and, thinking that getting her away from London will help, her husband takes her to live at a country estate, which turns out to be the former residence of the pianist who left after his wife died. The woman begins to get visions of the wife and her final days; is she becoming possessed by the dead wife of the pianist?
A racially mixed single mother accepts an amateur porn gig to take care of her daughter and herself.
Two autograph hounds attend an air show at Santa Anita racetrack.
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