Underbelly (2008) is an Australian TV show that explores the world of organized crime, drug abuse, and gang violence. It follows the story of various gangsters, police officers, and detectives as they navigate the criminal underworld and attempt to bring down the crime bosses. The show delves into the intricate dynamics of rival gangs, the power struggles within criminal organizations, and the relentless pursuit of justice by the police. With its gritty storytelling and compelling characters, Underbelly offers a captivating look into the dark and dangerous side of Australia's criminal history.
Inspired by John Ibrahim's best-selling autobiography, Last King of The Cross is an operatic story of two brothers, John and Sam Ibrahim who organize the street but lose each other in their ascent to power.
When three young women went missing in Claremont in the late nineties it set off the biggest unsolved murder case in West Australian history. It took 25 years to solve the crime. This is the story of how the Claremont Killer was caught.
Deep Water (2016) is a gripping crime drama TV show set in Bondi, Australia. The series follows a murder investigation in which a female police officer teams up with a new partner to solve a string of serial killings with a gay theme. As they delve deeper into the case, they uncover shocking secrets about the community and expose the failure of the Vito Russo Test. Will they be able to catch the elusive serial killer before more innocent lives are lost?
An Australian federal agent, a widow, joins forces with an American female investigative journalist to uncover a deadly deception that involves high-level corruption. As they dig deeper, they find themselves caught in a web of danger, betrayal, and international intrigue. With time running out, they must race against the clock to expose the truth before it's too late.
Anne Hamilton-Byrne was beautiful, charismatic and delusional. She was also incredibly dangerous. Convinced she was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, Hamilton-Byrne headed an apocalyptic sect called The Family, which was prominent in Melbourne from the 1960s through to the 1990s. With her husband Bill, she acquired numerous children – some through adoption scams, some born to cult members – and raised them as her own. Isolated from the outside world, the children were dressed in matching outfits, had identical dyed blonde hair, and were allegedly beaten, starved and injected with LSD. Taught that Hamilton-Byrne was both their mother and the messiah, the children were eventually rescued during a police raid in 1987, but their trauma had only just begun.
A Northern Territory policeman, is given the job of taking an Aboriginal prisoner Emu Foot, to Alice Springs to be tried for a tribal killing. Bayard is wounded during a revenge attack by tribesmen, and Emu Foot helps him get to a remote cattle station. But there Bayard gets involved in a domestic crisis involving Julie Kirkbride, the neurotic, bored wife of the station owner, and is tempted by the head stockman's daughter Chris Palady.
Set in 1901, the film follows the progress of Constable Peterson (Matthaei) on his quest to bring an Aboriginal man (Kamahl) to justice under the White Man's law. Having heard of a killing that took place under tribal law, Peterson embarks on a mission to arrest the accused man with the help of Black Tracker Jubbal (Devereaux) and bring him back to Melbourne for trial. It is a journey of discovery for both Peterson and Jubbal. Jubbal finds himself caught between black and white society, eventually dying following a curse placed on him during a traditional bone pointing ceremony. Peterson is left to try take the prisoner back to Melbourne alone, but cannot negotiate the pitfalls of the desert without the help of his prisoner. During the latter stages of his return, Peterson begins to understand the folly of his mission, releasing the Aboriginal man to return to his people. Finally, the metaphorical journey out of darkness is the one made by Peterson.
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