On the Couch is an Australian television program focusing on the current issues in the Australian Football League. From its debut in 2002 through to 2006, it was shown on the Fox Footy Channel. From 2007 through to 2011, it was broadcast on Fox Sports. From 2012, the show has resumed broadcasting on Fox Footy. The show airs on Monday night and is hosted by Gerard Healy. It also features Mike Sheahan and Paul Roos. Roos replaced James Hird for the 2011 season, who had sat on the couch since retiring at the end of 2007, but left to pursue a coaching career at Essendon. The inaugural co-host from 2002 - 2007 was Robert Walls. The shows format follows an 'informal chat' style in a set that resembles a lounge room. It focuses more on in depth coverage and discussions of topics as well as each week holding an interview with a player or coach. The concept and style is similar to the now-defunct Seven Network program Talking Footy, which also featured Mike Sheahan as chief journalist.
The Final Quarter is a documentary that explores the racial prejudice and discrimination faced by Adam Goodes, an indigenous Australian football player, during his final season in the Australian Football League (AFL). The film uses archive footage and interviews to shed light on the character assassination and cultural ignorance that contributed to his retirement. It serves as a plea for understanding, empathy, and a catalyst for positive change.
Welcome to Australia is a 1999 Carlton Television documentary, written and presented by John Pilger, which was directed and produced by Alan Lowery, and charts the history of injustice endured by indigenous Australians in the context of the build-up to the Sydney 2000 Summer Olympic Games.
A comedic look back at the previous week in the Australian Football League.
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