X Factor is the Italian version of the British musical talent show The X Factor. The first four seasons aired on Rai 2, but since 2011 it has been broadcast on Sky Uno, with reruns on TV8, after Rai dropped the show due to high costs. Sky Italia acquired the format, extending its broadcast until 2024. Starting from the eleventh season, RTL 102.5 became the official radio station, replacing Radio Deejay and Radio 105. The show was hosted by Francesco Facchinetti (2008-2010), Alessandro Cattelan (2011-2020), Ludovico Tersigni (2021), and Francesca Michielin (2022-2023). From 2024 onwards, Giorgia will take over as host. Since the seventh season, the show has been produced by Fremantle Italia without the collaboration of Magnolia, which had produced the selection episodes in the early seasons.
Death Defying Acts is a drama/mystery movie set in the 1920s. The story revolves around a famous escapist, Harry Houdini, and sets in motion when a Scottish psychic claims to contact his late mother during a performance.
Shirkers is a documentary about Sandi Tan, a teenager in Singapore in the early 1990s, and her friends who set out to make an indie film. After shooting the film, the footage mysteriously disappears, and the group's leader, Georges, disappears as well. Years later, Sandi discovers that Georges had secretly kept the film all along, leading to a journey of self-discovery and reflection on the past.
The director of films for kids called Bonzurka together with her loyal assistants Drahuska and Honza are looking for the actors for a new movie "The Knee". Children for this movie should not be afraid and shy and they must have talent for acting. Thus the scouting is quite difficult. The most difficult is to find an actress for a main character who lost her hair after a serious illness and now has to spent the whole holiday in the countryside with a bald head resembling a knee. Although the makeup artist does his best an artificial baldness does not solve anything. From the selected little girls only the self-assertive Rosemary has the guts to let her long hair to be cut and shave off her head.
It's amateur night at the local theatre, and a procession of bad acts comes and goes: various musicians, a magician, and some actors. But they keep getting interrupted by Egghead singing "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain".
A satire about two struggling actresses who escape into a fantasy world to cope with rejection and hone their craft. Convinced their mysterious new neighbor is a talent agent, they take him hostage and demand acting careers as ransom.
After being convinced his first movie REEL wasn't a blockbuster success because it starred a man, director SlasherVictim666 makes it his personal mission to find the perfect woman to star in REEL 2.
Dreaming of fame and fortune, a local Denver performer hires two indie filmmakers to come to town and make a film with him as the star.
Disillusioned roommates, Andrew and Karlie, decide to throw a party to escape the stress of their everyday lives. The beer is flowing, the music is pumping, and everyone turns to their social media to record the event, but when Andrew's conservative Midwestern parents show up unexpectedly, they must pretend it's an all-night Bible study group. The Party is a heartwarming coming of age comedy.
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